Sauls CPA & Associates, LLC is a service oriented CPA firm focused on client needs with timely response. We provide comprehensive services that give special care and concern for our clients. Individuals, small and family owned businesses, corporations, S-corporations, partnerships, LLCs, professional associations, estates and trusts make up our diversified client base including manufacturers, wholesalers, medical & legal practices, construction contractors and more.
Whether you are -
- A new start up business needing guidance with business entity choice (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, partnership, or sole proprietor) or help with setting up and using QuickBooks.
- A long term business owner needing a fresh approach to daily business issues including sales tax, payroll tax, large depreciation deductions, employee/employer health insurance, effects of new tax legislation, etc.
- A family business with planning issues, including succession planning, compensation of family members and estate/gift tax complications.
- An individual who needs personal attention and guidance with a sale/purchase of home or rental property, investment decisions involving capital gains or losses.
- An individual who needs help identifying itemized deductions such as charitable contributions, gambling losses and employee business expenses or residential energy credits.
- An individual who has just suffered the loss of a parent and needs guidance with inherited property and estate tax and reporting issues.
We have the experience, knowledge-base and resources to assist you.
Our continual investment of time and resources in professional continuing education, state-of-the-art computer technology and extensive business relationships with other professionals including legal and finance assistance is indicative of our commitment to excellence.
Please refer to "Client Services" for full descriptions of available services mentioned above.